Friday, 31 December 2010
Happy New Year!
Um, well... wow. Here in the UK its been 2011 for 43 odd minutes now, and blimey- its feels so strange!
But, I just wanted to wish everyone of you a really, really, very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Today is the start of a new decade, a new adventure for all of us... I hope in the new year you'll all be happy, content- get the book deal you've always wanted, have many happy/ amazing/ funny moments that you'll remember forever, find that perfect story idea/spark of inspiration, love and live life and everyone in it- and take life full on- because you only live once, so you know what I say? GO AND BE ALIVE DUDE!
2010 hasn't been all to shabby- but there's been the highs, the lows, bits when I was scared, sad, happy, alive- and I wouldn't take back any of those moments. Every mistake I made last year I'm more than happy to learn from and I hope it'll make me a better person in whole.
Last year I think I grew a lot as an aspiring author- I wrote 80,000 words of rubbish in my plotless story- Another Life, then another 10's of thousands in story begings where I tried out different mediums of writing.
Also in 2010, I:
1. Learnt how to ride a bike
2.Visited Austraia, Hong Kong, Thailand and places from my wildest dreams
3. Went in for a dance exam I was NO WHERE NEAR ready for
4. Had my first crush
5. Wrote nearly every lunch at school for a solid two months
Wow, there's countless more moments of 2010 that I'd love to note, but those were the first that came to mind.
For 2011 I only really have two serious 'resoulutions' (but I do believe that if you want to achieve something, never mind waiting for the new year- do it now and go for it!) But never the less, here are my two 'wanting to do's'...
1. Write a novel, stick to it, make it shine and ENJOY the freedom of writing.
2. Get out more, go for more walks, make new friends- spend less time cooped up in my room!
Well, enough from me- I wish you all the very best- have the most fabulous, amazing, awesome, fantastical, brilliant, super duper, stunning, magic year ever.
HAPPY 2011 DUDES!!!!
festive hugs and love from
Katharine xxxx
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wow- long time no see!
-blushes the brightest beetroot red ever seen- and I mean EVER!-
Please- no- don't through that mouldy old carrot at me! (do carrots even get mouldy? o.O) I have some excuses.....
Well, no. 1: I'm a school kid and my stupid school has introduced millons of 'Assess Pupils Progress' homeworks and tests, so I had a gazillion of them to do. Grrrrrr!
No. 2: I was verrry embarrased..... I epically failed at Nanowrimo.... :'( I mean- if I had applied myself I bet I could've done it (yes sir, really sir!) But with the dumb A.P.P's I started a week late, and in the end I only wrote for a week. I wrote 14,000 words though!
Yeah, I failed. Epically.
No. 3: It was my birthday on the 9th! ^.^ Now I'm thirteen- but I certainly don't feel like a teen! Teehee, when I was diddy I thought anyone older than nine was an ANCIENT old lady! Um, I'm an 'old lady' then.... :D
Hmmm, I just read ma reasons through, and they seem kinda lame....
- hands christmas cookies over grudgingly -
Christmas spirit? Goodwill? :B
Ohhhh, if anyones interested I've joined Inkpop! My sucky nano 'novel' is posted if you curious as to how atrociously bad my use of the english language is.... (if that doesn't work, my username is 'Katkin'!!!!)
I promise I will write back soon!!!!
Merry Christmas!
Katharine :) xx <3
Saturday, 6 November 2010
My next door neighbours are jerks. It is exactly midnight and they have just set off millions of fireworks, loud bangs, whooshs galore and it is doing my head in! Some of us have french tests to revise for... What kind of inconsiderate loony has a firework display at midnight anyway? Grrr....
Also, my 14 week year old puppy is freaking out big time. At this rate she won't settle until half two in the morning!
It doesn't help that we've just finished watching Aliens [freaky kinda scary movie BTW, love Newt-sooo cool! Better than the first movie by far]
Oh great. Now my puppy's pooped everywhere. Thanks neighbours, exactly what I needed.
Well, bye for now! [Nanowrimo's going dreadfully- only 2500 words so far :/]
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Nanowrimo and my constant laziness
Anyways, onto the subject of Nanowrimo, and me feeling totally and utterly unprepared. Me- the laziest writer in the world- write 50,000 words in what, 30 days?!?!
I don't even have a solid plot for my, uh, 'novel'. SOS! I have two charchters, a setting and a blurry cufumble of a story... oh- I've drawn them if that helps? No? *sigh* ok then...
Well, I'll keep you posted on my Nanowrimo novel throughout November. I bet that I will not finish it becasue, knowing me, I have laziness in my eyesss I tell you! I haven't written anything this week or done any homework or practised the flute or piano!
What I have done though is.... get a hair cut [so I can feel like a new, not-so-lazy person for the remainder of this year] got winter boots [I think they're too small -sob- Mum said it'd be pointless getting bigger ones because, well, they'd be too big!] and collected my sketchbook from the post office [which I am too scared to use unless I destroy it with my awful pictures!]
Yeah, so this is me at the moment! Lazy old me...
lazy bear hugs,
Katharine xxx
Monday, 18 October 2010
An award! *squee*
Well, the really super UBER awesome [my highest praise -nods seriously-] Sam [howdyyy!!!!] from One Sparkling Star has given/ passed on an award to me! Yeah, that explains the c-c-crazzzyyy dancing folks! Firstly, thank you sooooo much! And secondly, um, I have no idea what to do next, but I'll follow the great Sam's example. {-puts on brave face and prepares to march into battle-} Yay!
Sooo, I'm assuming I need to answer the question.... of life or death.... dun, dun DUUUNNN!!!
If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I and what would it be?
Um, well..... I suppoossseee there are a few things, but whatcha know, is that my plane leaving?
.......... ok then..... *sigh* I'll tell ya....
Well, theres the boy [obviously], the writing and the summer hols, when I wasted soo much time sleeping. Of all things to do on the other side of the world......
I'll start with writing.... well, firstly I would've started writing stories, way, waaayyy earlier, cos, I mean- I could be sooo much better than I am now! Also, I wouldn't have written that stupid soppy poem that some how managed to scrape 1st place because it was read out in assembly.
Let me tell you, it was very, very [and I mean VERY] soppy. -winces-
I also wouldn't have flirted like, big time with that boy I sit next to.... I wouldn't have sat next to him in assembly's cos, now, well, now its just embarrasing.... like, BIG time. [he's completly in love with Milo, annddd he's an immature jerk. Lol. O_o]
And when I had the once in the lifetime chance to go to Australia, I wouldn't have slept in every. Single. Day. Man, what was I thinking?
And most of all..... I would not have sang at the top of my voice yesterday in form. Ouch, nasty....
Yeah, they're all kinda tiny, but I betcha I'll have many, many more embarrasing moments coming up in my teeny teen life. Woopdydoo. ;-)
Okay, 5 people to give the award to.....
Some Screaming Fan Girl because I totally looovvee her blog and her clever way of saying even the most simple of things....
Broken Angel because her rants on life and other stuff always make me smile. And, she seems kinda glum at the mo. :)
Wribe because her writing advice is so superdooperly awesome dude!
Steph Bowe because quiet frankly shes awesome dude. 16 with a published book? Bravoo!!!
Aahnicole because she's so honest plus she always takes the time to write a poem for the end of every post.
They're uber awesome dude!
Thats all from me for now!
Hugs and kisses
Katharine xxxx
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Music saves my soul.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Also, yesterday I got out The Hunger Games from the libary. [yeah, I only just realised how awesome it is ;-)] So far, so amazing! Such a great book! I might review it [or ramble madly about it] when I've finshed it. [mwhahahah]
Are any of you fans of anime movies? If you haven't watched any, then, seriously, you are missing out. Yesterday I watched Whisper Of The Heart and, [dare I say it?] it out ranks Juno, becoming my favourite movie of the month. Or year.... or century....
In other new, on Wednesday, my very kind [very, very patient] besto friendo taught me how to ride a bike.
All I can say is, wow. How on earth did I manage to miss out on that all these years?
Now I want a bike or my own.
A turquoise one.
Like this!
Yeah, I've got no chance.
Hugs and kisses,
Katharine <3 xxxx
Friday, 1 October 2010
New WIP!
Ok, my new WIP is called [working title] Elemental.
I have a good feeling about this one, and the characters have individual personalitys, which I think is a good place to start.
Also, the words keep flowing! [which is alllwwwaayysss good!] Yesterday I wrote 2,500 odd words, which is verry good for lazy old me.
Now, if you'd excuse me, and need to get back to it....
How are your WIP's going? ;-)
<3 hugs and kisses <3
Katharine xxx
Thursday, 23 September 2010
My Top Five Books
Well, here go's, a 12 year olds top five books!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
My favourite movie at the moment is Juno. I've watched it four times at sleepovers [although the first time I watched it I screeched because I thought the adopted dad was asking juno out on a date... :/ Yeah, I wasn't really paying much attention that first time!]
I just love the characters [especially Juno!] and although I'm not a teen [yet! 79 days!!!! :O] I think that it sucsessfully portrays teen life, and the route that some teens choose to take.
And I love it because its hilarious, indie, bittersweet and C-O-O-L.
And it has a hamburger phone in....
Is is just me or does anyone else REALLY want that phone?
Also, the sound track is AWESOME. I have it on repeat in my bedroom every single day. [it drives my parents looopy!] Fav song? Tree hugger! And Vampire! Totally awesome dude!
Who else loves Juno's room?
Final verdict from a not quite teen girl?
***** [and thats not a swear word! :P] Five stars, I think its the best movie ever, and its complety different to most of the things on the teenage market at the moment. [need I even need to mention the 'T' word?]
- Me and my best friend [Milo!] attempted to make scones today! Errr.... they tasted kinda foul. [shhhh... but I almost threw up!]
- We have a half day tomorrow! Yaaaaay! Three lessons instead of the usual five!
Katharine xxxx
Monday, 20 September 2010
The Cupboard
Well, in any case I have one, and I call it....
The Cupboard.
Many a character from novels [petty stories!] end up there, forced to battle against each other to win back my attention in order for me to carry on their story. [Like a sick, twisted game of checkers!] Between you and me, its getting pretty crowded in their!
Well, the first residents were Moon, Cedric and his family, a story that I wrote just over a year ago called 'Lemon and Lime'. [shudders...] I was 11, and going through my 'twilight' phase. Need I say any more? :P
Another Life. Oh my sweet, sweet labour of love. 80,000 words, and counting. I wrote it mainly in the first part of this year, and I'm ashamed to say that I 'couldn't be bothered' to finish it. [yeah, I realised it was a load of crap.] Quite a crowd got shoved in the cupboard from that book! Willow Hammond, Caleb, Arondray, Aravind [omg, I love him! Old little prune guy!] Belial [mutant squid/fallen angel kinda thing] Zanna, healing woman and Cheifie guy. Off they popped! [Willow and Moon HATE each other!]
My last confession... You know that WIP I mentioned in my previous post? I sorry to say that my dear, most recent characters may also end up in the bulging cupboard. Mizuki and Luke... The alien and the human...
Dear reader, can you see a pattern emerging here? I'm lazy. L-A-Z-Y. A lazy writer and a lazy person. I'm yet to complete a novel, sure, I've came close, but I've never quite managed it.
And I've started a new novel.... called Dragonlock.
What do you think I should do? Carry on with Daughter Of The Moon or Dragonlock? [or both? Theres a scary thought!]
Hugs and kisses,
[Ooh, and I'm planning to draw a pic of the cupboard and show you's it!]
Friday, 10 September 2010
Hello all!
Also, I'm young. Verrry young, kinda. I'm twelve years, nine months and ten days [ecetra!!!] old, and- like many- I aspire to become a published author. [somedaaay over the raainbow] Pretty unlikely, ay?
Yeah, I thought so. Yet I still refuse to be disheartened. This blog will be a reminder to be to get off my lazy backside and do some writing.
I have a confession kind reader.... I haven't written any of my WIP in over a month, just short of 20,000 words.
More on that book later!
Well, this is a little piece of me, my hopes, desires, dreams. Like a diary- but cooler.
I hope you enjoy and comment if you a) like my blog and journey b) find it BORINGG!!!! c) absolutely hate it.
Or for any other reason- even if you just wanna say 'hey dude!'
So, adios for now- but I will be back... [Mwhahahahahaha]
<3 Hugs and kisses <3
Katharine x