
Monday, 20 September 2010

The Cupboard

Is it just me, or does every writer have a space in the back of their mind where they throw their discarded characters into, and lock the door? [No, Katharine, its just you being lazy.... again.]

Well, in any case I have one, and I call it....
The Cupboard.

Many a character from novels [petty stories!] end up there, forced to battle against each other to win back my attention in order for me to carry on their story. [Like a sick, twisted game of checkers!] Between you and me, its getting pretty crowded in their!

Well, the first residents were Moon, Cedric and his family, a story that I wrote just over a year ago called 'Lemon and Lime'. [shudders...] I was 11, and going through my 'twilight' phase. Need I say any more? :P

Another Life. Oh my sweet, sweet labour of love. 80,000 words, and counting. I wrote it mainly in the first part of this year, and I'm ashamed to say that I 'couldn't be bothered' to finish it. [yeah, I realised it was a load of crap.] Quite a crowd got shoved in the cupboard from that book! Willow Hammond, Caleb, Arondray, Aravind [omg, I love him! Old little prune guy!] Belial [mutant squid/fallen angel kinda thing] Zanna, healing woman and Cheifie guy. Off they popped! [Willow and Moon HATE each other!]

My last confession... You know that WIP I mentioned in my previous post? I sorry to say that my dear, most recent characters may also end up in the bulging cupboard. Mizuki and Luke... The alien and the human...

Dear reader, can you see a pattern emerging here? I'm lazy. L-A-Z-Y. A lazy writer and a lazy person. I'm yet to complete a novel, sure, I've came close, but I've never quite managed it.

And I've started a new novel.... called Dragonlock.

What do you think I should do? Carry on with Daughter Of The Moon or Dragonlock? [or both? Theres a scary thought!]

Hugs and kisses,

[Ooh, and I'm planning to draw a pic of the cupboard and show you's it!]

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