
Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Nanowrimo and my constant laziness

Sorry for the lack of posts recently-I just haven't found the time recently. It still remains a mystery of why teachers set mountains of homework due in the day before half term starts... Is it just me, or is that kinda dumb?
Anyways, onto the subject of Nanowrimo, and me feeling totally and utterly unprepared. Me- the laziest writer in the world- write 50,000 words in what, 30 days?!?!
I don't even have a solid plot for my, uh, 'novel'. SOS! I have two charchters, a setting and a blurry cufumble of a story... oh- I've drawn them if that helps? No? *sigh* ok then...
Well, I'll keep you posted on my Nanowrimo novel throughout November. I bet that I will not finish it becasue, knowing me, I have laziness in my eyesss I tell you! I haven't written anything this week or done any homework or practised the flute or piano!
What I have done though is.... get a hair cut [so I can feel like a new, not-so-lazy person for the remainder of this year] got winter boots [I think they're too small -sob- Mum said it'd be pointless getting bigger ones because, well, they'd be too big!] and collected my sketchbook from the post office [which I am too scared to use unless I destroy it with my awful pictures!]
Yeah, so this is me at the moment! Lazy old me...

lazy bear hugs,
Katharine xxx

Monday, 18 October 2010

An award! *squee*

Well, at the minute I'm kinda dancing crazily to she and him music, which, ya know is pretty weird, so please, please don't picture it.... right, sorry, I just had coke, and, well- you know- it puts me in a verryyy hypey moooodddd!!!! :P

Well, the really super UBER awesome [my highest praise -nods seriously-] Sam [howdyyy!!!!] from One Sparkling Star has given/ passed on an award to me! Yeah, that explains the c-c-crazzzyyy dancing folks! Firstly, thank you sooooo much! And secondly, um, I have no idea what to do next, but I'll follow the great Sam's example. {-puts on brave face and prepares to march into battle-} Yay!

Sooo, I'm assuming I need to answer the question.... of life or death.... dun, dun DUUUNNN!!!

If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I and what would it be?

Um, well..... I suppoossseee there are a few things, but whatcha know, is that my plane leaving?

.......... ok then..... *sigh* I'll tell ya....

Well, theres the boy [obviously], the writing and the summer hols, when I wasted soo much time sleeping. Of all things to do on the other side of the world......

I'll start with writing.... well, firstly I would've started writing stories, way, waaayyy earlier, cos, I mean- I could be sooo much better than I am now! Also, I wouldn't have written that stupid soppy poem that some how managed to scrape 1st place because it was read out in assembly.

Let me tell you, it was very, very [and I mean VERY] soppy. -winces-

I also wouldn't have flirted like, big time with that boy I sit next to.... I wouldn't have sat next to him in assembly's cos, now, well, now its just embarrasing.... like, BIG time. [he's completly in love with Milo, annddd he's an immature jerk. Lol. O_o]

And when I had the once in the lifetime chance to go to Australia, I wouldn't have slept in every. Single. Day. Man, what was I thinking?

And most of all..... I would not have sang at the top of my voice yesterday in form. Ouch, nasty....

Yeah, they're all kinda tiny, but I betcha I'll have many, many more embarrasing moments coming up in my teeny teen life. Woopdydoo. ;-)

Okay, 5 people to give the award to.....

Some Screaming Fan Girl because I totally looovvee her blog and her clever way of saying even the most simple of things....

Broken Angel because her rants on life and other stuff always make me smile. And, she seems kinda glum at the mo. :)

Wribe because her writing advice is so superdooperly awesome dude!

Steph Bowe because quiet frankly shes awesome dude. 16 with a published book? Bravoo!!!

Aahnicole because she's so honest plus she always takes the time to write a poem for the end of every post.

They're uber awesome dude!

Thats all from me for now!

Hugs and kisses

Katharine xxxx

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Music saves my soul.

Well, what can I say? I think music is a big part of every writers life; it stops the place you're writing in from being big, hollow, lonely. It takes some of the loneliness away from this strange, solitary hobby.

Yes, I am talking about writing.

I've put together many a playlist for my storys, and its bizarre when I go back and listen to one! Boy, so many memorys from a story I once imagined....

Sorry, I'm rambling again, aren't I?

Hey ho- you don't have to read this if ya don't want to!

I tend to judge a person on the music they listen to, if they listen to the kind of music I do, then I like them better at first?!? [if that makes any sense!]

Hmmm.... I love all [well, I think I do, but I haven't listen to all bands!] indie music, you know, like Regina Spektor [I'm freakin in love with her music!!!] Belle and Sebastion, She and Him, The Waterboys, The Beatles [well, what can I say? ;-)] and about a trillion other bands I won't bore you with!

What kind of music do you listen to? [don't worry- I won't judge you! (wait, why would any of you be worried about a little 12 year old thousands of miles away from you in rainy england?)]

I think its time for me to go now.....

Hugs and kisses,
Katharine xxx

Friday, 8 October 2010


Howdy! Well, first things first, this year for the first time ever [oh my!] I'm taking part in the Nanowrimo, and boy, am I nervous. You see, I write loads and all, but I've never actually finished a full novel, so this is a big step for me! Does anyone have any tips on how to keep on going till the actually hit that golden finish line? Thanks!

Also, yesterday I got out The Hunger Games from the libary. [yeah, I only just realised how awesome it is ;-)] So far, so amazing! Such a great book! I might review it [or ramble madly about it] when I've finshed it. [mwhahahah]

Are any of you fans of anime movies? If you haven't watched any, then, seriously, you are missing out. Yesterday I watched Whisper Of The Heart and, [dare I say it?] it out ranks Juno, becoming my favourite movie of the month. Or year.... or century....

In other new, on Wednesday, my very kind [very, very patient] besto friendo taught me how to ride a bike.

All I can say is, wow. How on earth did I manage to miss out on that all these years?

Now I want a bike or my own.

A turquoise one.

Like this!

Yeah, I've got no chance.

Hugs and kisses,

Katharine <3 xxxx

Friday, 1 October 2010

New WIP!

Yesterday I started a new project. I know, I know, my old story 'Daughter of the moon' has been shoved into the cupboard for now, but I can always go back to it, right?

Ok, my new WIP is called [working title] Elemental.

I have a good feeling about this one, and the characters have individual personalitys, which I think is a good place to start.

Also, the words keep flowing! [which is alllwwwaayysss good!] Yesterday I wrote 2,500 odd words, which is verry good for lazy old me.

Now, if you'd excuse me, and need to get back to it....

How are your WIP's going? ;-)

<3 hugs and kisses <3
Katharine xxx