
Sunday, 17 April 2011

Vacummed up by a dog...

Is what happened to our chicken nuggets! You see, I've just came back from an AWESOME sleepover, nwhere we spent half an hour preparing a gorgeous picninc, we went down to the park and KABOOM! This massive black labrodour came snuffling over to us and gobbled up our chicken nuggets in 2 seconds flat! And my sandwhich! I was very upset.... :D The owner just couldnt control him XD

We had this awesome waterfight too, you're never to old to go down in the freezing cold, pull put a tiny water gun and go PEW PEW PEWWWW!!!!! Dudes, its amazziinngg!!!! We got drenched and I was so. Cold. My socks are all soggy!

Oooh, heres some more inspirationallll photos!

Ahhhh, I love we heart it!

Suummer is the most gorgeous time of year I think, because its so hot alll the time and you can play water fighting and dash about in forests and parks, climbing tree's and squirting ice cold water everywhere! I love doing cartwheels at the park, though I need to focus on getting my legs straight up..... :') Woow! I love the sounds of birds! Ahhh.....

:) xx <3

Saturday, 16 April 2011

If an Ostrich and a hedgehog came up to you right now, you would....

Scream in joy and hug them both! Boy, I love ostrichs and hedgehogs- they are my favourite animals!!! A hedgehog riding an ostrich? Man, be right back! I need to draw that! :DD

*wanders off and draws*

*feel free to go and watch I youtube video while I go draw!!! :DD*

Howdy! Did ya watch something? Teehee, how would you react if an ostrich and a hedgehog walzed up to you? xD

Aw, my puppys so cute- she keeps sneezing! ^.^

Well, I gotta go- I have ma easter project to work on!!! :) xx <3

Friday, 15 April 2011

Easter Project

Howdy y'all! Me n' my best bud have decided to do a weird kinda easter project where we write a story in our time off school (cos otherwise we're gonna get booorreddd!) so heres a few pics from we heart it about my main character....

I wish I had a skateboard! It'd just be so awesome.... but I'd never know how to ride it properly!

Well, my main charaters a tomboy, awesome girl who's not afraid to speak her mind. She's the kind of person I wish I could be if I had a little more confidence! :)) She's rocking dude!

Do any of you wanna take part in the Easter Project? Hey- we could make it a thing. *nods knowledgbly*

*blinks* thats not how you spell knowledgebly, is it? *sigh*

:) xx <3

Hedgehogs, strawberrys and little sketches soon to come

Today was rather borning, but at least its the holidays! We had to go to school this morning, and have our first lesson ( poinnntlllesss!!!) and then had a boring litugy which daydreamed through, went back to school..... and ATE SWEETS!!!!! Whooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Im watching doctor who at the minute (retro style!) with my little puppy yawning away!

Have I ever mention that I adore hedgehogs? Because I love them! Wouldn't it be cool if you had hair like a hedgehogs? All puffy and spiky!!!!

I thought I'd do a little post about clothes and stuff and things I like sooooo..... here goes!

I WANT THESE WELLIES! These would defiantly stop people in their tracks- their so uniquely amazing! And they have hedgehogs on them! Yey! =D

Now this is a rockin top... AWESOME DUDE!!! Plus, in the summer it'll reppeeelll the heat! Yay!

I <3 this hoodie! Its totally awesome and unique... and pricy! It'd go with anything!!! :D

Isn't this just the cutest top? With some jeans.... ultra cool!

Their the kinda things I like! :DD

Aw.... he's the last of the darleks :( Doctor who is over, I must go! So much darkness... order me to die.. :'(

Sketchs soon to come!

:) xx <3

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Weekly Sketch

Well howdy there folks! As you know, I'm not very good at blogging consitantly- so I've decided to start a little weekly thing that I must do....


The weekly sketch is born!

I love being creative and drawing, but the thing is I'm not actually very good at it- so hopefully if I draw a bit every week I'll improve! Yay!

So, heres my first little sketch to kick things off- two lil gals from the story I'm working on at the moment- Cherry and Leah!

(Sorry bout the light... its all dark here!) Well, I hope ma pics weren't to tramatisngly bad for you to look at!

Also, sorry about the awful swirly writing- it failed... I wish I could write in really fancy font like... Man, my font switch isnt working! :(

Coming soon- a certain lil albino dude from my story.... by the name of Odd.


:) xx <3