Is what happened to our chicken nuggets! You see, I've just came back from an AWESOME sleepover, nwhere we spent half an hour preparing a gorgeous picninc, we went down to the park and KABOOM! This massive black labrodour came snuffling over to us and gobbled up our chicken nuggets in 2 seconds flat! And my sandwhich! I was very upset.... :D The owner just couldnt control him XD
We had this awesome waterfight too, you're never to old to go down in the freezing cold, pull put a tiny water gun and go PEW PEW PEWWWW!!!!! Dudes, its amazziinngg!!!! We got drenched and I was so. Cold. My socks are all soggy!
Oooh, heres some more inspirationallll photos!

Ahhhh, I love we heart it!
Suummer is the most gorgeous time of year I think, because its so hot alll the time and you can play water fighting and dash about in forests and parks, climbing tree's and squirting ice cold water everywhere! I love doing cartwheels at the park, though I need to focus on getting my legs straight up..... :') Woow! I love the sounds of birds! Ahhh.....
:) xx <3