
Thursday, 23 September 2010

My Top Five Books

Well, this is going to be verrry hard to do, as I love so many books, but I'll give it a shot!
Well, here go's, a 12 year olds top five books!

The Stravaganza books are a firm childhood favourite of mine, with their swift, different plots they keep you gripped from the very begging, all the way to the end.

They are so good, that they even manage to keep eight year old me transfixed!

When I was eight, I picked City of Stars because it had a horse on the front of it. Later that night I could be found hunched under my covers, reading by tourchlight.

*Note* they're not kids books, [they're YA] but I just read them when I was a little kiddiwink, which I suppose I still kinda am...

Honestly one of my favourite books EVER, North Child is the stunning, brave tale of Rose Eva, Trolls and polar bears. Add in belts, capes, and magical dresses that shimmer like moonlight, and you have the perfect novel which is North Child.

I read this book a few years ago in the summer holidays [I love reading about snow in the summer, and vice versa!] and I was gripped.

Its quite a thick book, and all the glue melted in the French heat, but I still kept reading until the stunning end.

Honestly, its a must read book- and I bet you'd love it! ;-)

I read this book in... you guessed it- Australia this summer hols. A stunning novel of amazing quality, hilarious, tender, sweet and true, it deserves its 'classic' status.

The ending is tragic, and it made me cry and cry, which is the mark of any good novel. If you have kids, or if you are a kid, then I highly recommend this book- and if your an adult, I recommend it to!

Another childrens book, but yet another classic, well loved tale. It has been one of my favourite books since I was five, and still holds that staus today. Really, read it. Its well worth it!

I ordered this book the other day, and it arrived yesterday, I haven't finshed it yet, but...



OMG. Its so scary, exhilarating, freaky, creepy, a modern masterpiece of bittersweet, life, and death.

I'm watching the movie tomorrow at a friends house, and I plan on finishing this scary, amazing book before then.

Well, thats my top five- whats yours?

I'd love to hear from you! [s!]

love from

Katharine xxxxxxx

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


My favourite movie at the moment is Juno. I've watched it four times at sleepovers [although the first time I watched it I screeched because I thought the adopted dad was asking juno out on a date... :/ Yeah, I wasn't really paying much attention that first time!]

I just love the characters [especially Juno!] and although I'm not a teen [yet! 79 days!!!! :O] I think that it sucsessfully portrays teen life, and the route that some teens choose to take.

And I love it because its hilarious, indie, bittersweet and C-O-O-L.
And it has a hamburger phone in....

Is is just me or does anyone else REALLY want that phone?

Also, the sound track is AWESOME. I have it on repeat in my bedroom every single day. [it drives my parents looopy!] Fav song? Tree hugger! And Vampire! Totally awesome dude!

Who else loves Juno's room?

Final verdict from a not quite teen girl?
***** [and thats not a swear word! :P] Five stars, I think its the best movie ever, and its complety different to most of the things on the teenage market at the moment. [need I even need to mention the 'T' word?]


  • Me and my best friend [Milo!] attempted to make scones today! Errr.... they tasted kinda foul. [shhhh... but I almost threw up!]

  • We have a half day tomorrow! Yaaaaay! Three lessons instead of the usual five!


Katharine xxxx

Monday, 20 September 2010

The Cupboard

Is it just me, or does every writer have a space in the back of their mind where they throw their discarded characters into, and lock the door? [No, Katharine, its just you being lazy.... again.]

Well, in any case I have one, and I call it....
The Cupboard.

Many a character from novels [petty stories!] end up there, forced to battle against each other to win back my attention in order for me to carry on their story. [Like a sick, twisted game of checkers!] Between you and me, its getting pretty crowded in their!

Well, the first residents were Moon, Cedric and his family, a story that I wrote just over a year ago called 'Lemon and Lime'. [shudders...] I was 11, and going through my 'twilight' phase. Need I say any more? :P

Another Life. Oh my sweet, sweet labour of love. 80,000 words, and counting. I wrote it mainly in the first part of this year, and I'm ashamed to say that I 'couldn't be bothered' to finish it. [yeah, I realised it was a load of crap.] Quite a crowd got shoved in the cupboard from that book! Willow Hammond, Caleb, Arondray, Aravind [omg, I love him! Old little prune guy!] Belial [mutant squid/fallen angel kinda thing] Zanna, healing woman and Cheifie guy. Off they popped! [Willow and Moon HATE each other!]

My last confession... You know that WIP I mentioned in my previous post? I sorry to say that my dear, most recent characters may also end up in the bulging cupboard. Mizuki and Luke... The alien and the human...

Dear reader, can you see a pattern emerging here? I'm lazy. L-A-Z-Y. A lazy writer and a lazy person. I'm yet to complete a novel, sure, I've came close, but I've never quite managed it.

And I've started a new novel.... called Dragonlock.

What do you think I should do? Carry on with Daughter Of The Moon or Dragonlock? [or both? Theres a scary thought!]

Hugs and kisses,

[Ooh, and I'm planning to draw a pic of the cupboard and show you's it!]

Friday, 10 September 2010

Hello all!

Welcome to the Velvet Owl, my square inch in the blogging world. [I'm so excited to begin this thing!!!] I'm an author [hahaha, what a joke! Katharine- I think you mean a wannabe author!]Well, I've finished one novel [before you ask- its dreadful! Complete rubbish if I've ever seen it!]
Also, I'm young. Verrry young, kinda. I'm twelve years, nine months and ten days [ecetra!!!] old, and- like many- I aspire to become a published author. [somedaaay over the raainbow] Pretty unlikely, ay?
Yeah, I thought so. Yet I still refuse to be disheartened. This blog will be a reminder to be to get off my lazy backside and do some writing.
I have a confession kind reader.... I haven't written any of my WIP in over a month, just short of 20,000 words.
More on that book later!
Well, this is a little piece of me, my hopes, desires, dreams. Like a diary- but cooler.
I hope you enjoy and comment if you a) like my blog and journey b) find it BORINGG!!!! c) absolutely hate it.
Or for any other reason- even if you just wanna say 'hey dude!'

So, adios for now- but I will be back... [Mwhahahahahaha]

<3 Hugs and kisses <3
Katharine x