Um, well... wow. Here in the UK its been 2011 for 43 odd minutes now, and blimey- its feels so strange!
But, I just wanted to wish everyone of you a really, really, very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Today is the start of a new decade, a new adventure for all of us... I hope in the new year you'll all be happy, content- get the book deal you've always wanted, have many happy/ amazing/ funny moments that you'll remember forever, find that perfect story idea/spark of inspiration, love and live life and everyone in it- and take life full on- because you only live once, so you know what I say? GO AND BE ALIVE DUDE!
2010 hasn't been all to shabby- but there's been the highs, the lows, bits when I was scared, sad, happy, alive- and I wouldn't take back any of those moments. Every mistake I made last year I'm more than happy to learn from and I hope it'll make me a better person in whole.
Last year I think I grew a lot as an aspiring author- I wrote 80,000 words of rubbish in my plotless story- Another Life, then another 10's of thousands in story begings where I tried out different mediums of writing.
Also in 2010, I:
1. Learnt how to ride a bike
2.Visited Austraia, Hong Kong, Thailand and places from my wildest dreams
3. Went in for a dance exam I was NO WHERE NEAR ready for
4. Had my first crush
5. Wrote nearly every lunch at school for a solid two months
Wow, there's countless more moments of 2010 that I'd love to note, but those were the first that came to mind.
For 2011 I only really have two serious 'resoulutions' (but I do believe that if you want to achieve something, never mind waiting for the new year- do it now and go for it!) But never the less, here are my two 'wanting to do's'...
1. Write a novel, stick to it, make it shine and ENJOY the freedom of writing.
2. Get out more, go for more walks, make new friends- spend less time cooped up in my room!
Well, enough from me- I wish you all the very best- have the most fabulous, amazing, awesome, fantastical, brilliant, super duper, stunning, magic year ever.
HAPPY 2011 DUDES!!!!
festive hugs and love from
Katharine xxxx