
Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

Um, well... wow. Here in the UK its been 2011 for 43 odd minutes now, and blimey- its feels so strange!
But, I just wanted to wish everyone of you a really, really, very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Today is the start of a new decade, a new adventure for all of us... I hope in the new year you'll all be happy, content- get the book deal you've always wanted, have many happy/ amazing/ funny moments that you'll remember forever, find that perfect story idea/spark of inspiration, love and live life and everyone in it- and take life full on- because you only live once, so you know what I say? GO AND BE ALIVE DUDE!

2010 hasn't been all to shabby- but there's been the highs, the lows, bits when I was scared, sad, happy, alive- and I wouldn't take back any of those moments. Every mistake I made last year I'm more than happy to learn from and I hope it'll make me a better person in whole.
Last year I think I grew a lot as an aspiring author- I wrote 80,000 words of rubbish in my plotless story- Another Life, then another 10's of thousands in story begings where I tried out different mediums of writing.
Also in 2010, I:

1. Learnt how to ride a bike
2.Visited Austraia, Hong Kong, Thailand and places from my wildest dreams
3. Went in for a dance exam I was NO WHERE NEAR ready for
4. Had my first crush
5. Wrote nearly every lunch at school for a solid two months

Wow, there's countless more moments of 2010 that I'd love to note, but those were the first that came to mind.

For 2011 I only really have two serious 'resoulutions' (but I do believe that if you want to achieve something, never mind waiting for the new year- do it now and go for it!) But never the less, here are my two 'wanting to do's'...

1. Write a novel, stick to it, make it shine and ENJOY the freedom of writing.

2. Get out more, go for more walks, make new friends- spend less time cooped up in my room!

Well, enough from me- I wish you all the very best- have the most fabulous, amazing, awesome, fantastical, brilliant, super duper, stunning, magic year ever.

HAPPY 2011 DUDES!!!!

festive hugs and love from
Katharine xxxx

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Wow- long time no see!

Um, well... hiya! I'm back again! [not that you've probably missed my blabbering though!] If you care about this bloggy thing then sorry for not writing for, urm, a month and a half.
-blushes the brightest beetroot red ever seen- and I mean EVER!-
Please- no- don't through that mouldy old carrot at me! (do carrots even get mouldy? o.O) I have some excuses.....
Well, no. 1: I'm a school kid and my stupid school has introduced millons of 'Assess Pupils Progress' homeworks and tests, so I had a gazillion of them to do. Grrrrrr!
No. 2: I was verrry embarrased..... I epically failed at Nanowrimo.... :'( I mean- if I had applied myself I bet I could've done it (yes sir, really sir!) But with the dumb A.P.P's I started a week late, and in the end I only wrote for a week. I wrote 14,000 words though!
Yeah, I failed. Epically.
No. 3: It was my birthday on the 9th! ^.^ Now I'm thirteen- but I certainly don't feel like a teen! Teehee, when I was diddy I thought anyone older than nine was an ANCIENT old lady! Um, I'm an 'old lady' then.... :D

Hmmm, I just read ma reasons through, and they seem kinda lame....
- hands christmas cookies over grudgingly -
Christmas spirit? Goodwill? :B

Ohhhh, if anyones interested I've joined Inkpop! My sucky nano 'novel' is posted if you curious as to how atrociously bad my use of the english language is.... (if that doesn't work, my username is 'Katkin'!!!!)

I promise I will write back soon!!!!

Merry Christmas!
Katharine :) xx <3