Hiya! Today I got up really late, like at midday! But heyho- it is summer! My besto friendo Milo came round for a bit and we went and had such an exciting time... picking up rubbish. Waaaayyy!! You see, we're doing duke of edinburgh this year (since we're in year nine now! :D) so this summer we have to do six hours of skill (like learning to play an instrument or reading or whatnob) and six glorious hours picking up rubbish. Everyone just stared at us... and it was chucking it down! Hey ho...
THen we went back to mine but no one was in so we had to go down a reallly dark alley into ma garden and I bashed into this HUGE spiders web. It was ICKY!!!
In a few days we're gonna get a train into the city.... ON OUR OWN!!!!! Yay, we're finally old enough to go places by ourselves! ^.^ Time for shopping at the geeky comic book store of awesomeness and HMV! Yay!
Teehee, now I'm going to bake a cake and drawww!!!!
Bye bye!
Kat xoxoxo